Velkommen til boklansering og kortfilmvisning i Gresk Norsk Kulturklubb lørdag 11. februar kl.19.00.
Ruard Wallis de Vries har bodd og jobbet i Hellas i mange år og har nå samlet små historier i en egen bok. Han interesserer seg også for kortfilmer og har tidligere arrangert en festival i klubben. Han byr på 5 kortfilmer denne kvelden. Lanseringen foregår både på norsk, engelsk og gresk.
Inngang gratis. Velkommen!
Litt om boken:

He thought that his brand new degree would open the door to a posh job in Athens, but his depleted bank account had other plans. Before he knew it, Ruard became a holiday rep for a small Greek tour operator. What followed was an eventful summer of dodgy travel agents, noisy hotels, demanding customers, undercover guiding by not-so-official tour guides and coaches that were way too small (or way too big). This is the gripping and often hilarious account of The Prince (a.k.a. The Snake), the “self-taught-the-hard-way” Mr. Mangas, the beautiful Kali and the dramatic Helena. Even Woody Allen makes a guest appearance! They are all supporting characters in the heart-warming story of a long hot summer set against the backdrop of the sunny skies, the deep blue sea and some of the most gorgeous locations in Greece. Her er boken på Amazon.
Litt om Ruard:

Ruard Wallis de Vries (Amsterdam, 1967) spends his time between Oslo and Brussels. He has worked and lived in Greece on and off since the early 1990s. The short stories in this book («Misguided») cover his first forays into the Greek everyday. Apart from regular contributions to travel magazines, Ruard has also published in the Dutch national press on the Greek economic crisis and on the refugee situation on the Greek islands. Since 2012, he has been organizing film festivals where Greek short films and documentaries take central stage (including two evenings at the Greek Norwegian Culturclubb in 2014!). Last but not least, he bought and renovated a handful of charmingly dilapidated island houses on Samos and Leros – a book about his experiences as a house owner on the Greek islands was published in October 2022 (in Dutch only).